

Best Business Results is a member of the global Mindshop network which was established in 1994. Mindshop empowers us with the tools, resources and training to provide tailored business solutions to our clients in areas such as Growth, Profit, Leadership, Strategy and Implementation.

Through Mindshop we can tap into the expertise of hundreds of specialist advisors around the world. Mindshop also allows us to leverage innovative, online coaching and training technologies to provide support to any sized client, anywhere in the world.

Watch this video to learn more about Mindshop and how it supports us as an advisory business and please contact us to discuss your business needs further at


Harrison Assessments

Creating engagement and retention requires more than general personality testing.

In order for employees to prosper and be productive in a particular job, it is essential that they possess the traits that produce success and fit the culture of the organisation.  Assessing those traits requires a system that reveals deep insight into human behaviour.  Our talent management solutions align people’s qualifications, wants, needs, passions and goals to the requirements of the organisation and specific jobs. This innovative approach exceeds general personality testing and other methods because it measures 175 factors, resulting in reports that target job-specific employee engagement, success, and retention.
  • Automate internal and external talent pools with advanced technology
  • Empower managers with easy to understand reports
  • Easily customize for your jobs with our library of 6500+ Job Success Formulas
  • Develop leadership and teamwork
  • Customize to match your behavioral competencies.
  • Strong validity and legal compliance without adverse impact.

To find out more, please contact us or visit the Harrison Assessments website & watch this video