Profit Improvement Programme

Profit is the lifeblood of any business. The success of a business depends on its ability to consistently make sustainable profits.

If you would like your business to achieve the BEST level of profit possible , our Profit Improvement Programme is a perfect place to start.

At a glance

Duration: 3 months

Investment: $4595 + GST pm*

Bonus: Online Lean Management Course for 2 people

 What you get

  • An Accredited Mindshop Facilitator working with your whole team to drive further profit in your business by identifying and reducing wastes
  • Facilitated team workshop
  • Facilitated 8 week profit improvement implementation project

Our structured programme is designed to ensure that the BEST opportunities are found to increase the profit in your business. The programme has a proven track record and studies have found that waste in businesses can be as much as 30% of operating costs.

What you will learn

How to keep your costs in check, how to set your prices with confidence and how to keep the wastes from eating away from your profits.

You may also be interested in our 3 month Growth Accelerator programme.

*Dependent upon size & complexity of business

Not quite ready to commit yet?

Complete our 5-minute online diagnostic to identify from 10 factors the top 3 areas that are working well and top 3 areas you need to work on to improve your level of profit and efficiency in your business. You will also have the ability to see how you compare to the global benchmark (average scores of all completed diagnostics) on each of the 10 factors.